Untitled (Sunset on Gulf of Mexico) 48x60" oil, 2023

Sparkle Jungle 20x60" acrylic, 2024

 Fine Tune Your Painting

Instructor: Adrian Deckbar
Day and Time: Thursdays, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cost: $350

August 8, August 15, and August 22

Whether you are a beginner or have been painting for years, this class is for you!  The goal is to teach you specifics of “controlling the paint” that will serve to fine tune your art. 

  1. Is your paint too thick and wet, or drying too quickly?

  2. Are you using the right brush?

  3. Are you attuned to the edges of the forms?

  4. What is the light doing in the reference image?

Drawing problems will diminish once you understand more about:

  • paint viscosity

  • controlling drying time

  • when to clean your brush

  • layering color

All of this and more will be covered in this class for those who work with oils and for those who work with acrylics.

  • Masterson Palette (plastic snap closed) 12 x 16” with prepped paper (check online at blick.com or jerrysartarama.com)

    Mediums: Golden Acrylic Retarder, Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish

    Brushes: Isabey Isacryl #2, #4, #6 bright, 1 each min.; ProStroke Synthetic Brushes #2, #4 and #6 round; Princeton Imperial Series 6600 Synthetic Mongoose Brushes: #4 Filbert, #8 Flat, Simply Simmons synthetic brushes; Flat Wash 1”, 3/4”, 1/2”

    Acrylic paint: Golden Fluid Acrylics 1 oz. or Liquitex and or Golden acrylic paint 2 oz. tubes (and bring any brand you might have available), Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, (or Hansa Yellow), Napthol Red (or Cadmium Red Medium), Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black

    Suggested Colors: Alizarin Crimson, Pthalo Green, Pthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Dioxazine Purple, Cadmium Orange, Yellow Ochre, Naples Yellow, Raw and Burnt Umber, Raw and Burnt Sienna, and Paynes Gray.

    Other Supplies: Spray bottle - fine mister, large jar for water, rags or paper towel, metal wooden handle palette knife, hand soap, apron, cleaned, washed black plastic roasted chicken container or flat pan

    Canvas that is the same ratio as your painting, 8x10”x 2 =16 x 20”, 9x12” x 2 = 18 x 24” or square - 8x8”= any square) as long as the ratio is THE SAME.

    The other option is to CROP your photo to match the canvas.

  • Palette, Bristle brushes or whatever you’ve been using. Refer to acrylics list for suggestions., Palette knife, jars and rags, apron, Murphys Oil Soap or brush soap, paper towels

    Oil Paint : Titanium White, Hansa Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Napthol Red, Burnt Sienna, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black

    Suggested Colors: Alizarin Crimson, Pthalo Green, Pthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Dioxazine Purple, Cadmium Orange, Yellow Ochre, Naples Yellow, Raw and Burnt Umber, Raw and Burnt Sienna, and Paynes Gray.

    Gamblin Oil Medium (no liquid, gambol or other evaporative solvents)

    Canvas that is the same ratio as your painting, 8x10”x 2 =16 x 20”, 9x12” x 2 = 18 x 24” or square - 8x8”= any square) as long as the ratio is THE SAME.

    The other option is to CROP your photo to match the canvas.

  • Prep your palette.

    Select your reference to paint from, a simple, clear, well lit photograph.

    Email adriandeckbar@icloud.com with your reference and any questions prior to the class.

  • Contact Adrian Deckbar at adriandeckbar@icloud.com or 504-491-8309.