Saturday, December 16, 2023

The schedule for the day will include:

  • 8:30 am Arrival/Registration (Seminary Refectory)

  • 9:30 Conference (Abbey Church)

  • 11:15 Mass, followed by lunch

  • 1:30 pm Conference

  • Reception of Oblate Novices

  • Oblation of Novices completing their novitiate

  • Blessing and renewal of Oblation for all

  • The day will end by 3:00 pm

Please fill out the form below if you plan on attending this year's Day of Recollection. You may also also call 985-867-2299, extension 1245.


RESPONSE FORM: (items marked with * are required)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We are trying very hard to make sure that we have the correct information about our Oblates and Oblate Novices. We would like to keep you informed of other oblate opportunities by e-mail if possible (in an attempt to save on postage and expenses). Please provide us with your e-mail address so that we can keep you up to date.

The only information above that is required is the minimal we need to positively identify you in our records. If you would prefer not to submit this information through this form, you may contact the Oblate Master at oblates@sjasc.edu or 985 867-2299 ext. 1245.